"This then is the first duty of an educator: to stir up life but leave it free to develop."

–Maria Montessori

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Sydney the Tasmanian Devil

Sydney the Tasmanian Devil arrived in our classroom the other day. We were all so excited! She will be coming to visit everyone soon. Keep an eye out for a schedule of when Sydney will be coming to your house.

For more information on Sydney and why she is in our class, click here.

December Family Project

For the December family project, I would like you and your child to research a holiday tradition from another country. Your child may choose any country they wish other than the United States. Please have your child make a half sized poster with a few facts and pictures about the tradition. They will be presenting this project to the class. This is due on December 18.

For more information about traditions in other parts of the world, please visit this website. You may find your information from other places of course, but this may steer you in the right direction.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

We are the World

I'm sorry I haven't blogged much recently. It's been a crazy month and a half. Well this touched my heart so much yesterday, I had to write about it on here immediatly

In leiu of a Christmas gift for our class, Carmen and I are doing a donation to the World Wildlife Fund. We figured it would be more meaningful to them than any Dollar Store knick knack we could find. What's neat is when you do these donations, they send a certificate, a fact sheet, and a stuffed animal. Not only do we get the satisfaction of knowing we're helping an animal in need, but we get a really cool classroom mascot.

Well we decided we'd help an animal from Australia because we've been researching animals from Australia. And as we were looking at the animals that were available to adopt, we'd quickly look up their conservation status. Basically some animals are a little endangered, and some are a lot endangered.

After getting a list of about 8 animals, some Australia land animals and some coral reef animals, we voted.

The class didn't choose the cutest or most popular. By an overwhelming vote of 25, they chose the animal the most in need of our help. The one with the highest conservation status.

This Christmas we are adopting the Tasmanian Devil.

If you are interested in the work of the World Wildlife Fund (seriously, A LOT of kids were saying they want Santa Claus to do this), please click this link.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

First Year Language Lessons

The first years are all working on different phonics patterns. However, many of them are learning the same grammar and word study lessons.

Many of the first years are working with nouns. They are matching objects to cards that identify the noun as a person, place, thing, or animal. We are also making a paper pyramid just like the symbol we use for nouns. 

She is working with the grammar farm. She is labeling nouns on the farm and will write them in her journal.

Many of the first years are also working on compound words. We have learned that compound words are two root words put together to make a new word.
Add caption
He is putting root words together to make a new word. Then he draws a picture to go with the new word. Soon we will be putting together root words without picture cues.

Stamp Game

Some of our first years are already getting into the Stamp Game! This is an exciting first step toward adding abstractly. Here are a few photos of two different first years doing this lesson.

After the equation is set up, the child combines them at the bottom of the rug (under the black line) to find the answer.

For more information on the Stamp Game, please visit this link.

For a free download of a printable Stamp Game, please visit Montessori Print Shop. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Space Between Planets

Get it?

Today we did something that's become a tradition in Lower Elementary. We went outside and measured on a rope the distance between the planets of the solar system.

First we lined up. First years were the solar system first. About two to a planet.

Here is the Sun and Mercury. Look how bunched up they are!

The Solar System down the line.

Then we did the same thing with the second years so the first years could watch.

Right now I'm standing where Saturn is.

Look how far Mrs. Kirk and Neptune is from the Sun!
 After we discussed how close together the Inner Planets are and how far apart the Outer Planets are we practiced orbiting the sun. For such a looooooong rope, you can imagine how long that took. We all moved at a different pace which was the perfect simulation to how the planets actually revolve. In books they are always in a straight line but that isn't the case in space.

These are the distances we used if you'd like to try it at home! 
Mercury 2 feet
Venus 3 ¾ ft.
Earth 5 ¼ ft
Mars 8 feet
Jupiter 27 ½ ft
Saturn 50 ½ ft
Uranus 101 ¼ ft
Neptune 159 ft

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Viewing the Stars

Hi everyone! Harrison and I are just about to go outside and try to find some constellations! On Friday, we sent home a star map in everyone's green folder so you could find some stars too!

More sky maps can be found here.

Some other good ways to do some stargazing is by downloading the app Sky Map. Just search it on whatever smart device you have. This one is made by Google. We like it in our house because you simply point it in the sky and it identifies what you look at. Here's a screenshot.

Another great way is to visit a planetarium. Francis Marion has a great one called Dooley Planetarium. Last year we went on a field trip to visit it. Not only do they do neat star shows (for free every other Sunday!) but they also have nifty resources, handouts, and displays. Here is their website with a calendar of events.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

How To Complete a Lesson

Lower Elementary Montessori is different from Primary Montessori in many ways. This is the basic procedure for completing a lesson in our classroom.

First, a child chooses a lesson that has been presented to her. The teacher has observed the child and has shown her this lesson to meet the needs of the child.  As in Primary, the child chooses a work space and brings the lesson and the rest of her materials to her work space. Once she is ready, she writes the lesson in her work plan. The work plan is a great tool for the child, teacher, and parent to see at a glance what they have been working on in class. Eventually it is used as a planning tool for the child.

After it is written on the work plan, she completes the lesson. This is the Compound Word Key Experience. A Key Experience is the first presentation of a lesson or how the teacher introduces a concept to a child. Although this child has had experience with compound words in her Primary class, this is the first time compound words have been introduced to her as a combination of root words. After the Key Experience, the child is shown several follow-up works until she reaches mastery. 

After she completes the lesson, she records it. In this case, she will write the words and draw the objects. Recording lessons is required in Lower Elementary. About 90% of our lessons are recorded in some way. 

After she is finished recording, she cleans up her work and returns it to the exact spot she finds it in. Then she moves on to something else she feels the need to practice.

New School Year

Here are some photos of the class working! We've been in school three weeks. We already have a group of intrinsically motivated, peaceful workers. It's going to be a great year.

Same ole tricks.

Working on some language work by the window.

BFF's researching together.

Working hard on a toothpick and marshmallow constellation.

Researching the Solar System.

More research.

MORE research.

A shy smile while working on some language.

7 Long Bead Chain

9 Long Bead Chain

Our class uses a different language program than the primary class. Same basic thing. Just different colors.

Watching a constellation project intently.

Some great dinosaur research from a first year.

The end product of the deconomial.

Mrs. Kirk loves taking photos of student working hard.

States of Matter work.

Practicing the Small Bead Frame
Making Ursa Major

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


On Friday we will be sharing the myths we have researched at home. A myth is any story that explains something that occurred in nature. Children do not need to prepare much. Just a few sentences to share with the class is fine. If you would like to make a poster or something that is fine too. Here are a few resources for help.


Myths for Kids

Creation Myths

Greek Myths

Roman Myths

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Our Class Pet

We've wanted a class pet all year. I'm pleased to announce on Saturday, I bought a female guinea pig. She is such a sweet heart. I can't wait for everyone to meet her. This week we're going to be researching guinea pigs and how to properly take care of her.

She doesn't have a name yet! This week, I want everyone to research names that are associated with peace in some way. On Thursday, make sure your child has their name idea ready. The class will vote on her name that day.

Here are a few pictures of our new baby girl.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Thinking Maps

In our district, we use something called Thinking Maps. Thinking Maps are 8 different graphic organizers used to organized thoughts in a cohesive, visual way. We use Circle Maps for defining, Bubble Maps for describing, Double Bubble Maps for comparing and contrasting, Tree Maps for classifying, Bridge Maps for analogies, Brace maps for breaking down into parts, Flow Maps for sequencing, and Multi-Flow maps for cause and effect.

Making a Tree Map of animals of the rainforest and their habitat (forest floor, canopy, etc.). They are classifying their animals.

Making a Double Bubble Map after reading a book about families a long time ago and now. He is comparing and contrasting the 2 kinds of families.

Making a Double Bubble Map about 2 different books about hermit crabs.

Reseraching with Technology

We are blessed to have a few district iPads in our room. Technology in a Montessori room is something used strategically and purposefully. We are using this amazing tool for (what else?) research! Here are some photos of us using this technology to do amazing work. By the way, how fitting is it we use Google and Wikipedia to do our in class research and the founders of Google and Wikipedia all went to Montessori school?

Monday, April 8, 2013

Our Easter Eggs

Before Easter, our class made Easter egg pinatas. We have been studying countries of North America (including Mexico) so this fit in nicely. Everyone enjoyed this long and messy project!

So how did we do it?
First, we wrapped paper mache around a balloon. To do this at home, combine equal parts flour and water and a dash of salt. Dip strips of newspaper in the mixture. Wipe off the excess. Wrap around the balloon smoothly.

It was messy, but we had fun.

After the paper mache dried, we painted them

Loving the sunshine while we work.
After the paint dried, we popped the balloon, put some candy inside, taped up the hole, then painted over the tape. Voila!
The girls.

The boys.