"This then is the first duty of an educator: to stir up life but leave it free to develop."

–Maria Montessori

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Stamp Game

A shipment I had been waiting on for a few weeks arrived yesterday at school! It contained the Stamp Game! It had been on back order so I was so happy to see it arrive.

The Stamp Game is a multifunctional Montessori material. It can be used to teach addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The Stamp Game (which does not have stamps and is not a game) contains wooden tiles with numbers, skittles, and place holders.

Once static addition with the Golden Beads is mastered, the child learns static addition with the Stamp Game. Each material is taking the child in steps to abstraction until they can work a problem with pencil and paper with 100% understanding of why they are doing what they are doing. P.S. Static addition is simply addition without the carrying.

I can't wait to start introducing it next week. I have some friends who are so ready for it!

If you would like to practice this at home, a great website called Montessori Print Shop has a free downloadable version. Simply save it, print it, and practice at home with your child. Please refrain from at home practice until your child informs you they have had the lesson in class. 

For more on how to use the Stamp Game, please view the video below. There weren't many good ones on you tube so if you would like a demonstration, please feel free to schedule an appointment for a demonstration.