"This then is the first duty of an educator: to stir up life but leave it free to develop."

–Maria Montessori

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Viewing the Stars

Hi everyone! Harrison and I are just about to go outside and try to find some constellations! On Friday, we sent home a star map in everyone's green folder so you could find some stars too!

More sky maps can be found here.

Some other good ways to do some stargazing is by downloading the app Sky Map. Just search it on whatever smart device you have. This one is made by Google. We like it in our house because you simply point it in the sky and it identifies what you look at. Here's a screenshot.

Another great way is to visit a planetarium. Francis Marion has a great one called Dooley Planetarium. Last year we went on a field trip to visit it. Not only do they do neat star shows (for free every other Sunday!) but they also have nifty resources, handouts, and displays. Here is their website with a calendar of events.

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