"This then is the first duty of an educator: to stir up life but leave it free to develop."

–Maria Montessori

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Space Between Planets

Get it?

Today we did something that's become a tradition in Lower Elementary. We went outside and measured on a rope the distance between the planets of the solar system.

First we lined up. First years were the solar system first. About two to a planet.

Here is the Sun and Mercury. Look how bunched up they are!

The Solar System down the line.

Then we did the same thing with the second years so the first years could watch.

Right now I'm standing where Saturn is.

Look how far Mrs. Kirk and Neptune is from the Sun!
 After we discussed how close together the Inner Planets are and how far apart the Outer Planets are we practiced orbiting the sun. For such a looooooong rope, you can imagine how long that took. We all moved at a different pace which was the perfect simulation to how the planets actually revolve. In books they are always in a straight line but that isn't the case in space.

These are the distances we used if you'd like to try it at home! 
Mercury 2 feet
Venus 3 ¾ ft.
Earth 5 ¼ ft
Mars 8 feet
Jupiter 27 ½ ft
Saturn 50 ½ ft
Uranus 101 ¼ ft
Neptune 159 ft

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