"This then is the first duty of an educator: to stir up life but leave it free to develop."

–Maria Montessori

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Thinking Maps

In our district, we use something called Thinking Maps. Thinking Maps are 8 different graphic organizers used to organized thoughts in a cohesive, visual way. We use Circle Maps for defining, Bubble Maps for describing, Double Bubble Maps for comparing and contrasting, Tree Maps for classifying, Bridge Maps for analogies, Brace maps for breaking down into parts, Flow Maps for sequencing, and Multi-Flow maps for cause and effect.

Making a Tree Map of animals of the rainforest and their habitat (forest floor, canopy, etc.). They are classifying their animals.

Making a Double Bubble Map after reading a book about families a long time ago and now. He is comparing and contrasting the 2 kinds of families.

Making a Double Bubble Map about 2 different books about hermit crabs.

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