"This then is the first duty of an educator: to stir up life but leave it free to develop."

–Maria Montessori

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Our Class Pet

We've wanted a class pet all year. I'm pleased to announce on Saturday, I bought a female guinea pig. She is such a sweet heart. I can't wait for everyone to meet her. This week we're going to be researching guinea pigs and how to properly take care of her.

She doesn't have a name yet! This week, I want everyone to research names that are associated with peace in some way. On Thursday, make sure your child has their name idea ready. The class will vote on her name that day.

Here are a few pictures of our new baby girl.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Thinking Maps

In our district, we use something called Thinking Maps. Thinking Maps are 8 different graphic organizers used to organized thoughts in a cohesive, visual way. We use Circle Maps for defining, Bubble Maps for describing, Double Bubble Maps for comparing and contrasting, Tree Maps for classifying, Bridge Maps for analogies, Brace maps for breaking down into parts, Flow Maps for sequencing, and Multi-Flow maps for cause and effect.

Making a Tree Map of animals of the rainforest and their habitat (forest floor, canopy, etc.). They are classifying their animals.

Making a Double Bubble Map after reading a book about families a long time ago and now. He is comparing and contrasting the 2 kinds of families.

Making a Double Bubble Map about 2 different books about hermit crabs.

Reseraching with Technology

We are blessed to have a few district iPads in our room. Technology in a Montessori room is something used strategically and purposefully. We are using this amazing tool for (what else?) research! Here are some photos of us using this technology to do amazing work. By the way, how fitting is it we use Google and Wikipedia to do our in class research and the founders of Google and Wikipedia all went to Montessori school?

Monday, April 8, 2013

Our Easter Eggs

Before Easter, our class made Easter egg pinatas. We have been studying countries of North America (including Mexico) so this fit in nicely. Everyone enjoyed this long and messy project!

So how did we do it?
First, we wrapped paper mache around a balloon. To do this at home, combine equal parts flour and water and a dash of salt. Dip strips of newspaper in the mixture. Wipe off the excess. Wrap around the balloon smoothly.

It was messy, but we had fun.

After the paper mache dried, we painted them

Loving the sunshine while we work.
After the paint dried, we popped the balloon, put some candy inside, taped up the hole, then painted over the tape. Voila!
The girls.

The boys.

Ling Ling goes to the Smoky Mountains!

Ling Ling has been globetrotting again! Last week, he went to the Smoky Mountains in Tennessee. He got to see beautiful mountains and got to go to Dollywood in Pigeon Forge. Thank you so much to the family who hosted Ling Ling!