"This then is the first duty of an educator: to stir up life but leave it free to develop."

–Maria Montessori

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Historical Figure Day

We've worked hard for the past month researching someone from history and writing a biography on that person. Last Friday, we all dressed up and read our biographies to the class.
We all found a partner to practice reading our biographies.

I have a dream!

Her Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth I

Did you know Doc Holliday was born with a dentist?

Dr. Montessori. I was starstruck.

Sacagawea and Jean Baptiste

From Left: Martin Luther King Jr, Thomas Jefferson, Doc Holliday, Walt Disney, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Colonel Chamberlain, Claude Monet, and Jackie Robinson Jr.

From Left: Princess Diana, Queen Elizabeth I, Dr. Montessori, Sacagawea, Del Wood, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Clara Barton, and Pocahontas

The whole gang

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