"This then is the first duty of an educator: to stir up life but leave it free to develop."

–Maria Montessori

Saturday, February 23, 2013

New Encyclopedias!

The amazing Media Specialist at LHS granted a wish for us this week! She donated a set of used World Book Encyclopedias to us. The ones we had been using were from the late 1970's and were pretty awful. Just ask the classroom Doctor how he felt about them not having an entry on the Titanic or the classroom Mommy how she felt about them not having an entry on Princess Diana. The new to us encyclopedias are so great and so helpful in our research projects. There was even an entry on Dr. Maria Montessori. Here are a few pictures of the kids enjoying them.

He's researching snakes. I had taken a picture of his report, but due to my camera's accident it wouldn't turn up.

Trying to find something to spark her interest.

She researched the human body. Check out the awesome illustration of a heart on her paper.

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