"This then is the first duty of an educator: to stir up life but leave it free to develop."

–Maria Montessori

Saturday, February 23, 2013


Here are a few pictures of us working this past Friday!

She's reading two books about the sky and then she will make a double bubble map comparing the two.

Coloring his map of North America.

Working on words.

The checkerboard has become a favorite material.

Diagramming sentences. We are working on the preposition part of speech.

She's also doing the double bubble lesson.

Researching Clara Barton

North America Puzzle Map


Multiplying with the Stamp Game

Checkerboard. He's up to multiplying by 3 digits.
Internal Human Body Parts

My Camera's Accident

So I was walking around the classroom taking pictures of the class a week ago when suddenly, I dropped my camera on the hard tile floor. Oh no! For a while it wouldn't even turn on. It comes on now, but the photos are turning out very blurry. I've been wanting a new one anyway so hopefully I'll have another one soon. In the meantime, I'm afraid we are going to have some blurry pictures of amazing children.

New Encyclopedias!

The amazing Media Specialist at LHS granted a wish for us this week! She donated a set of used World Book Encyclopedias to us. The ones we had been using were from the late 1970's and were pretty awful. Just ask the classroom Doctor how he felt about them not having an entry on the Titanic or the classroom Mommy how she felt about them not having an entry on Princess Diana. The new to us encyclopedias are so great and so helpful in our research projects. There was even an entry on Dr. Maria Montessori. Here are a few pictures of the kids enjoying them.

He's researching snakes. I had taken a picture of his report, but due to my camera's accident it wouldn't turn up.

Trying to find something to spark her interest.

She researched the human body. Check out the awesome illustration of a heart on her paper.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Our Civilization Projects

The projects about Ancient Civilizations were due today. My class knocked my socks off. We all learned so much about how the Greek, Egyptians, and Mayans changed our lives. We started the day with a gallery walk. The kids strolled around the room, examining the projects, and making notes of encouragement on each. Then they presented their projects to the class. I was so proud of their poise.

Writing About Montessori

Montessori Education Week is February 24-March 2. To celebrate we wrote about what being in a Montessori classroom means to us. There was a lot of talk about having freedom and responsibility. It is RARE we are all doing the same thing at the same time in our class so I documented this event.

What we've been up to....

My apologies for not posting a lot of pictures recently! We've been so busy! Here are some things we've been doing in class.

Flags of North America

Checkerboard (Multiplication)

Researching an arthropod

Making sentences with the parts of speech using the Grammar Farm

Long vowel practice. He will spell them then check his work with a control.

Making a poster of various triangles. Obtuse, equilateral, scalene, isosceles, right, and acute.

Practicing telling time

Preposition lesson

Addition Snake Game

Cave Art

Parts of a human body

Addition and Multiplication with the Small Bead Frame

Word matching

Foods of North America

Making -nk words

Researching a North American animal

Making a butterfly by coloring a coffee filter, squirting it with water, letting it dry, then adding pipe cleaner antennae



Reading about Ancient Greece

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Ancient Civilizations

Our class has been talking a lot about Ancient Civilizations. Due on Thursday, we will be turning in a small poster highlighting ways these civilizations impacted our modern society. Students can chose to research Egypt, Greece, or the Mayans.

Ancient Egyptians are credited with inventing paper, irrigation systems, and eye make-up. They also made contributions to the worlds of architecture and astronomy. Ancient Greece had the first democracy and theater. The first Olympics were held in Ancient Greece. They also made many great contributions to philosophy and war fare. Ancient Mayans impacted the math world as well as astronomy.


I'll be introducing the Checkerboard lesson next week. I can't wait! It's such a fun multiplication material. Please view the video to see how it works!