"This then is the first duty of an educator: to stir up life but leave it free to develop."

–Maria Montessori

Thursday, December 13, 2012

International Night Photos

We had such an awesome time tonight! International Night was a big success. We sang music from Japan, ate food from India, and looked at art from China. We also displayed and answered questions about our research projects. Thanks to everyone who helpd to make it a success. Here are a few pictures from the evening.

Some of our art (diyas, fans, origami, and sewn pandas)

Singing "Sakura, Sakura"

Telling parents about Diyas (candles lit for New Years in India)

Explaining how we made the studded pandas

Telling parents about origami

She is doing a great job explaining about Smilodons.

She did a great job answering questions about Russia.

Parents enjoyed the presentations.

Some of the food we sampled (hummus, fortune cookies, seaweed wrapped crackers, sushi, and beef with Tikka Masala)

These guys did so well!

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