"This then is the first duty of an educator: to stir up life but leave it free to develop."

–Maria Montessori

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Mother Earth

Now that we have talked about the vastness that is our Universe, it's time to start talking a little more close to home. We are beginning to talk about the history of Earth, the composition of the Earth, the its land and water forms, and its moon. Here are a few things we are doing in studying the Earth.

She is doing three part cards of the interior of the Earth. Notice how she's checking her work by using the model.

One of our art lessons right now is to make a clay model of the earth. Yellow in the middle, then a layer of orange, then red, then blue, then a little bit of green to represent the continents. After it dries we cut it in half!

This is an excellent book about our Earth. Of course we have plenty around the classroom!

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