"This then is the first duty of an educator: to stir up life but leave it free to develop."

–Maria Montessori

Monday, September 22, 2014

Ling Ling Goes to Vegas

And the Grand Canyon. What an adventure!

Ling Ling Goes to Disney

Here is a picture of Ling Ling in his homeland of China! Just kidding. This is at Epcot at Walt Disney World. Mrs. Kirk went at the beginning of last summer and brought Ling Ling. We had such a magial time.

New School Year

Here are a few pics of what we've been working on since the start of school.

Archaeology Workshop

This summer the Lower Elementary teachers and I went to an Archaeology workshop in North Carolina. We learned about Native American life in our part of the country. We even got to use real Native American tools and go to a real archaeology dig. It was an amazing experience.

Our New Classroom

Is our new classroom gorgeous or what? We love the windows and open space!