"This then is the first duty of an educator: to stir up life but leave it free to develop."

–Maria Montessori

Thursday, November 21, 2013

We are the World

I'm sorry I haven't blogged much recently. It's been a crazy month and a half. Well this touched my heart so much yesterday, I had to write about it on here immediatly

In leiu of a Christmas gift for our class, Carmen and I are doing a donation to the World Wildlife Fund. We figured it would be more meaningful to them than any Dollar Store knick knack we could find. What's neat is when you do these donations, they send a certificate, a fact sheet, and a stuffed animal. Not only do we get the satisfaction of knowing we're helping an animal in need, but we get a really cool classroom mascot.

Well we decided we'd help an animal from Australia because we've been researching animals from Australia. And as we were looking at the animals that were available to adopt, we'd quickly look up their conservation status. Basically some animals are a little endangered, and some are a lot endangered.

After getting a list of about 8 animals, some Australia land animals and some coral reef animals, we voted.

The class didn't choose the cutest or most popular. By an overwhelming vote of 25, they chose the animal the most in need of our help. The one with the highest conservation status.

This Christmas we are adopting the Tasmanian Devil.

If you are interested in the work of the World Wildlife Fund (seriously, A LOT of kids were saying they want Santa Claus to do this), please click this link.